Board Briefs

The City of Fairfax School Board holds Regular School Board meetings on the first Monday of the month at City Hall, 10455 Armstrong Street. The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are televised on local channel 12. To see a schedule, agendas and minutes, please go to our meetings page. In addition, the School Board holds monthly work sessions on the third Monday, usually at Fairfax High School.  The work sessions are not televised but are recorded.

To see a video of our Regular School Board meetings or listen to a recording of a work session, please go to the City of Fairfax website.

To see a presentation listed below, please go to the City of Fairfax website, click on the meeting date and agenda. Presentations will be embedded in the agendas.

Monday, January 13, 2025 (postponed due to weather from January 6, 2025)
Regular School Board Meeting
1. Swearing In - The 2025-2027 School Board was sworn in. 
2. FY 2026 Proposed Budget - Jeff Platenberg, superintendent, presented his Proposed FY 2026 budget
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Joint meeting with Fairfax County Public Schools
The two school boards held their annual meeting at the FCPS offices in Falls Church. Topics included: student capacity at the four city schools, the passing of the 2024 school renovation bond, and city residents on FCPS committees.
Monday, December 2, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
1. Resolution - The City of Fairfax School Board passed a resolution to ask FCPS for an independent investigation into the Hayfield Secondary football program. 
2. Student Recognition- The school board recognized students and staff from our schools for milestones such as national merit semifinalists, honors choir, and many others. 
3. Legislative Review - Sarah Kelsey, the Legislative liaison for the school board, presented the board with the 2025 Legislative Review
4. Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan City superintendent Jeff Platenberg presented the board with the FY 2026-2030 Capital Improvement Plan. The board voted unanimously to pass the CIP. 
Monday, November 18, Work Session
1. Citizen Participation - Three community members spoke to the board about the recruiting allegations into Hayfield Secondary School. 
2. Resolution Draft Review - The School Board chair read a draft of a resolution requesting FCPS do a formal investigation into Hayfield Secondary School. The board will vote on the resolution on Monday, December 2 at their regular school board meeting. 
3. September 2024 Membership Report: FCPS IT reporting and analytics department information analysts presented the board with the September 2024 membership numbers. 
4. Community Use at Fairfax High School: Gisele Gray, the community use specialist at Fairfax High School, presented to the board about how FHS is used by our community. The building is in use nearly every day with the school, parks and recreation, and multiple community groups. 
5. Legislative Review: Sarah Kelsey, school board member and legislative liaison, presented the board with a draft of the 2025 legislative review. 
6. FCPS Boundary Review Advisory Committee Discussion: The School Board discussed the importance of city representation on the FCPS boundary advisory committee to ensure city residents are represented and the School Services Agreement is honored. 
Tuesday, November 12, Regular School Board Meeting
1. Capital Improvement Plan - Jeff Platenberg, Superintendent, presented the board with the FY 2026-2030 CIP. To see the presentation, please go to the City website
2. City School Security Update - Dan Phillips, Assistant Superintendent, discussed with the board about his research about school security trends. 
Monday, October 21, 2024 Work Session
1. Fairfax Academy Update - Ms. Andrea Cook, Academy administrator, presented the annual Academy update. To see the presentation, please go to the City meeting website
2Student Yields - Eric Forman of the City of Fairfax planning department, presented to the board about current housing projects and the potential impact to city school capacity. To see the presentation, please go to the City meeting website
3. Facility Update - Dan Phillips, assistant superintendent, presented to the board about the current facility construction projects. To see the presentation, please go to the City meeting website
Monday, October 7, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
1. FCPS AI Presentation: FCPS AI Presentation: Ms. Tracy Soular, IDTS Senior Manager, Ms. Lori Purvis, IT Learning Specialist, Ms. Tammi Sisk, Instructional Technology Specialist, and Mr. Alexander Fuentes, Senior Manager, STEAM and Computer Science. The FCPS team discussed how artificial intelligence is being used for our students and our staff. 
2. Professional Services and Capital Funds Update:
Mr. Dan Phillips, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Phillips provided the board with an update on current capital projects such as HVAC replacement, carpet to tile, and painting. In addition, Mr. Phillips provided an update on professional services such as instructional grants, grounds maintenance, and National Board Certification reimbursement tuition for teachers. 
Monday, September 16, 2024 Work Session
1. FCPS Dyslexia and Twice Exceptional Students Presentation: Noel Klimenko, Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services; Mike Bloom, Director, Special Education; Kristen Maloney, Senior Manager, Advanced Academics, Nonye Oladimeji, 2e Educational Specialist, Advanced Academics, Gina North, Dyslexia Educational Specialist, Language Arts - FCPS leaders presented to the school board about Twice Exceptional Students - traditionally students who qualify for both advanced academics and special education services.
2.  Review Draft FY2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program: Mr. Jeff Platenberg, Superintendent. Mr. Platenberg presented a draft of the FY2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan, which is the outline for facilities projects for the next five years. A copy of the current CIP can be found on our website. The FY2025-2029 CIP will be on the website after the superintendent presents to the board and community in October.  
Monday, September 9, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
To see the presentations, please go to the City's website for agenda. 
1. George Stepp Resolution - the City school board invited friends and colleagues of former superintendent George Stepp to come speak. Mr. Stepp passed away in May. 
2. Student Report - Siya Batra. The City of Fairfax new student representative, Siya Batra, presented her first report. Ms. Batra will present every month at the regular school board meetings. 
3. FCPS Fiscal Forecast - Leigh Burden, Alice Wigington FCPS Budget Office - Ms. Burden and Ms. Wigington presented to the board about the FCPS budget. 
4. Summer in the City - Dan Phillips, Assistant Superintendent - Mr. Phillips presented to the board about the summer programs in the City schools during the summer break. 
5. School Opening Report - Jeff Platenberg, Superintendent - Mr. Platenberg presented to the board with the school opening report discussing student population numbers and new administrators. 
July 1, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting
The July 2024 School Board Meeting is an organizational meeting, establishing roles and responsibilities for the school board. The board elected Carolyn Pitches as chair and Amit Hickman as Vice Chair. In addition, the board named city residents to represent the City of Fairfax to various committees for Fairfax County Public Schools. The positions named in the meetings are:
Appoint Rachel McQuillen and Alternate, Sarah Kelsey, School Board Members to PRAB 
Appoint Delegate, Amit Hickman and Alternate, Stacy Hall to VSBA Convention
Appoint Sarah Kelsey and Rachel McQuillen as Legislative Liaisons
Appoint Carolyn Pitches and Sarah Kelsey, Representatives to the Washington Area Boards of Education
Appoint Brenda Silvia Torma as City of Fairfax Schools Health Advisory Committee Member
Appoint Kate Hermann as City of Fairfax Schools FPAC member
Appoint Mary Kay Ciziunas as City of Fairfax Schools ACSD member
Appoint Leslie Plummer as City of Fairfax Schools AAPAC member 
Appoint Juliana Nelson as City of Fairfax Schools MOASC member
Appoint Stacy Hall, as representative to the Environmental Sustainability Committee