Our Schools In the News - Video

Meet Our Superintendent

Welcome Back to School from School Board Chair 

Fairfax High School

Fairfax HS Students Award Winning Scam Detector

Fairfax High School Hometown Team

Fairfax High School Junior Reporter

Fairfax Academy Students Design for Miss Virginia

Fairfax High School Auto Tech Program

Fox 5 ZIP Trip - Junior Reporter

Fox 5 Hometown Team - Fairfax High School Gymnastics

Fairfax High School Student Makes PPE for First Responders

Fairfax Academy Students Quarantine Soundtrack

FHS Teacher Named NBC "Harris Hero"

FHS Students Sell Bracelets for Central America

Fairfax Academy - Dancers in Fairfax Are Performing to Find a Cure for MS

Fairfax High School Opens Food Pantry

What’s In a Name? Fairfax High School

Fairfax High School Meet The Principal

Fashion Design at Fairfax Academy

Readers are Leaders

Fairfax Academy – Moira’s Sharing Her Love of Dance

Cappies Review- Guys and Dolls at FHS

Fairfax Academy’s Chris Johnston Finalist for Educator of the Year

Katherine Johnson Middle School

Katherine Johnson MS Science Teacher Honored as Fred Rogers Institute Helper Award

Video of Katherine Johnson Middle School Renaming Ceremony

Eagles Can Soar at Katherine Johnson Middle School

Lanier Middle School Changes Its Name to Katherine Johnson Middle School

What's In a Name? Katherine Johnson Middle School

Lanier Middle School Meet the Principal

Celebrating the First Day at Lanier

What’s In a Name? Lanier Middle School

Taking The Stress Out of Transition

Lanier MS Earns Permanent Green Status

New Mobile at Lanier MS

Spotlight on Makerspace – Lanier Middle School

LMS Teacher Faiza Alam on Emerald Planet

Providence Elementary School

George Mason University Baseball Team Buddies with PES

What’s In a Name? Providence Elementary School

Understanding Friends at Providence Elementary School

Providence Elementary School Meet the Principal

Interview with PES Student Shauna Kaplan

Harvesting Vegetables at Providence ES

Interview with Robert Sowell; PES Mentor and Mentor of the Year

Providence Honor Choir Performs at School Board Meeting

Daniels Run Elementary School

Daniels Run ES Chorus Sing Their Way To Florida 

Teachers Hold Beep and Greet

What’s In a Name? Daniels Run Elementary School

Fairfax City Students Help Save the Environment

Caminanta de Bienvenida a Daniels Run

Welcome Walk at Daniels Run

Hour of Code at Daniels Run

Reading, Positivity and Perseverance at Daniels Run