FCPS Committees

The City of Fairfax School Board appoints representatives to Fairfax County Public Schools community advisory committees.

If you are a City of Fairfax resident and are interested in serving on one of the following committees, please reach out to the City school board office at 703-293-7131. We are thankful to our City representatives for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

Facilities Planning Advisory Council - Kate Hermann

The Facilities Planning Advisory Council (FPAC) shall provide accurate, timely, and relevant advice to the Fairfax County School Board with regard to the development of strategic, comprehensive, and long-term plans for educational and educational support facilities within Fairfax County for Fairfax County Public School students. The FPAC is intended to enhance community outreach and input into the facilities planning process.

For more information about the council, please see the FCPS website.

Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities -Mary Kay Ciziunas

A local advisory committee for special education, appointed by each local school board, shall advise the school board through the division superintendent.

For more information about the committee, please see the FCPS website.

Student Health Advisory Committee - Brenda Silvia Torma

The advisory board shall assist with the development of health policy in the school division and the evaluation of the status of school health, health education, the school environment, and health services.

For more information about the committee, please see the FCPS website.

Advanced Academics Programs Advisory Committee - Leslie Plummer

The local advisory committee on gifted education shall annually review the local plan for the education of gifted students, including revisions, and determine the extent to which the plan for the previous year was implemented.

For more information about the committee, please see the FCPS website.

Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) - Juliana Nelson


This committee advocates for students who are underserved by identifying, reviewing, and assessing issues affecting minority student academic achievement within the policies, curriculum, practices, and procedures of FCPS.


For more information about the committee, please see the FCPS website